Los Angeles Dog Blog

Recent Posts:
Dog Training

Tips for Training Non-Treat Motivated Dogs

Recently, Fitdog was featured on The Dogington Post with our article "Tips for Training Non-Treat Motivated Dogs." We recommend this read for any dog parent who struggles with keeping their dog's attention during training lessons. Could your dog care...

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Just for Fun
Valentine's Day

Smooches 4 Pooches

Every February, we look forward to hosting Smooches 4 Pooches, Fitdog’s annual charity and adoption event. The event raises money for local rescue organizations through a Kissing Booth. Patrons have their photo taken with either their dog or...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting

Your dog’s dream vacation

We get it. Leaving your dog behind can be stressful. But there are ways to make sure your dog has the best staycation ever (and to give you a guilt-free trip). Between classes, excursions, treats, activities, and more, Fitdog has...

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Sincerely, Fitdog

Why we should be thankful for all types of service dogs

There are so many types of service dogs to be grateful for! Dogs enhance our lives, love us, and inspire us to be better people. While we're grateful for all dogs, there are those who go the extra mile...

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Dog Training
Sincerely, Fitdog

Cardio Tricks Class – Interview with the Trainer!

Fitdog is proud to introduce a new addition to our class offerings - Cardio Tricks! It is led by the very talented Szashe Rowland and begins weekly on October 2nd. We recently sat down with Szashe so that...

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